ICO Success

5 Thoughts About the Future of ICOs


A few days ago it was my pleasure to sit down with the master communicator Terry Brock to discuss the future of ICOs.

I really feel like the crypto space is quickly moving towards a new and more positive period of innovation and transformation.

However, a large part of that transformation will require a significant improvement in the ways ICOs are marketed.

Here’s the conversation we had:



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About the Author Dennis Lewis

Dennis H. Lewis is our CEO and is a serial entrepreneur and self-proclaimed digital storyteller. An author of three books, he has an uncanny knack of being able to distill complex technologies and explain them in ways that are fun and approachable. Over his extensive career he has lead startups both in Europe and the United States and currently runs a successful digital marketing firm in Orlando, FL. He has been featured on mainstream media outlets like The New York Times, Good Morning America and the BBC.

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